Our Story
4-H Gone Wild
This is what happens when you've enjoyed 4-H and have grown up.
We raise heritage breeds of poultry and waterfowl including Black Jersey Giants, White Bearded Silkies, Delaware chickens, Buff ducks and Narragansett turkeys; Nigerian Dwarf Goats,; and white New Zealand rabbits.
We are blessed to be able to compete on the show circuit for all mentioned.
Additionally, we do contract raise feeder pigs and meat chickens, on a small scale.

Our Homestead: Sustainable Lifestyle
Vegetable gardening to our orchard, foraging and food preservation, livestock for milk and meat; all play a part in helping us along our path of self sufficiency and a sustainable life.

Want to learn more, let us know
Our family has enjoyed and benefited from the homestead lifestyle since 1998. Through one relocation and raising a family, Hochstetler's Haven has developed; and will continue to adapt to our family's and community's needs long into the future. For those wondering more about this lifestyle, whether urban or rural, feel free to reach out to us; we'd enjoy walking alongside you as you begin your journey.
Mentoring available in the areas:
The homestead lifestyle, with kids
Tammy's Story
(Women in farming; balancing the day-to-day)
Farm & home business
(recordkeeping, marketing, sales, farmer's market, farmstand, online, retail, print media)
Raising milk goats
Heritage Breed Livestock
Animal husbandry
(housing, feed, equipment, etc.)
Selling eggs & Meat
Food preservation & gardening
Raising livestock for meat
(chicken, ducks, turkeys, rabbits, pigs)
Frugality Counseling
Life Skills
Maintaining normalcy for your family in trying times
(aka sensible prepping with a purpose)

Homemade salves, goat milk soap, soy candles, lip gloss, bath salts, foot soaks, sugar scrubs, mosquito spray, pet products. Check out our "Products" page
Hochstetler's Haven LLC

Our Red Australian Shepherd
Gunner enjoys helping us out on our farm. He helps with security, and herding of our goats, ducks, and chickens. If a chicken gets out of a pen, he helps guide and nudge it back into it's pen